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Railview captures your project in just a few hours

RailView is a product which creates a product like google street view, but of course for railroad industry. The Unique selling point is that RailView can capture a complete contract area in one or two days without disrupting the railroad. All other product disrupt the railroad timing when they want to deliver such a product. Normally a contract area capturing is divided into many parts over several weeks. So this is the reason why railview exists. The contractor needs a complete zero measurement. RailView can deliver this

Commissioned by BAM Infra Rail bv and ProRail we captured one project.

RailView is completely created by See It all. The idea, design , development, hardware, and the making of and testing. Software is builded in cooperation with the TU/e.

After using RailView the contractor no longer have to send a team to look at things or check or show them. All data, information, images and status of the project at a glance. One works from a personally expandable account, no unnecessary tools and information that only distract

In combination with ProjectXPlor

ProjectXplor is a geographical information system developed by See IT all.

What does the situation look like from the upcoming scheduled maintenance? Which objects do we encounter and what is the visual status? What falls within the decommissioning?

With the help of data, the decommissioning is plotted on a geographical map. Quick adjustments are now made in this way (realtime if necessary).

Visually see the status of the project and event logging (when is there an event like maintenance). This in a geographical way. Users see areas and points with self-explanatory colors. Everyone understands the communication with ProjectXplor. ProjectXplor specially for the Railroad we call, RailXplor. With this we reach everyone but also the specialists.