ProjectXplor: Asset Management And Maintenance Start With A Vision
ProjectXplor taps on people’s natural skill of visual orientation; learning and taking action with given visual data or images. In construction and asset management industries, our team ensures individuals use their skills to see and gain insight from the larger perspective to be able to work autonomously or collaboratively; and set the right course for the project or market the organization in the present industry.
All Levels Of The Organization Understand The Information
Data and information are important in making projects understandable by all levels of the organization and even of a third party involved in the undertaking; particular sections within the project. ProjectXplor makes use of imagery together with data and information for all levels to understand each scope of the project and roles of individuals and groups to work in synchronicity; autonomously or collaboratively.
The Role Of Visuals In Data and Information
The question is, what data do users want to see? ProjectXplor answers the question with integration of vivid images of assets including their uses, maintenance, prediction of maintenance, inspection, IoT, and monitoring of objects with corresponding data and information. ProjectXplor provides the images according to levels and in distinct yet understandable way to make it easier for any individual or group to extract, study, and take action. All aspects of maintenance of assets and objects are made visible by the software, integrated with data and information on all levels to create an intuitive system that makes utilization, needs, and planning of maintenance seamless and almost automatic whereby users can make decisions at a higher and larger perspective.
Thus, ProjectXplor brings the equation 1 + 1 = 3, for every data plus information equals 3 with visuals. The instantaneous availability of vital information about all assets and objects for every situation and project is the primary powerhouse feature of ProjectXplor. It can be integrated into existing systems that make it easy for all levels of the entire organization to use it for planning, preparation, and communication.
Keeping Data/Information Up To Date And Centralized
ProjectXplor aims to keep all images and visuals up to date and centralized together with corresponding information and data to provide easy access for everyone. By keeping it centralized, all authorized individuals can update and/or extract particular sections or levels easily; automatic integration with administrative packages including SAP and Maximo. Most organizations have existing administrative systems in place; the role of ProjectXplor is to make these data more accessible and understandable to users. We have a full understanding of each administrative system to ensure ProjectXplor can be integrated seamlessly and to give a clear perspective on each project, asset, and object on all levels.
Here are the fine points of ProjectXplor:
- Coherent status
- Clear possibilities or limitations of external factors
- Purposes of thousands of images and documentations from the field
- Application of technical and practical knowledge of experienced technicians
Autonomous And Collaborative
ProjectXplor’s centralized features ensure that all departments and individuals work in perfect autonomy; independently but also allowing for collaboration when needed. Authorized personnel can make decisions and perform their tasks with more confidence given a higher and larger perspective.
Long-term decisions are also viable and more objective given all necessary data and information plus detailed images of projects, assets, and objects. It includes decisions entailing procedures on maintenance, frequency, and when to call for emergency maintenance to prevent operational failures and disruptions. This means better vision on the long haul and leave short-term visioning behind.
Companies Become Smarter With Integration
ProjectXplor aims to help organizations gain more knowledge with the right information, data and vision; but also to attain specific human knowledge as this is given value and stays within the organization. Human intelligence cannot be dismissed and is considered more valuable as it is applied at a faster rate. Determining sequencing of events wherein individuals or groups can act in a more sustainable, reliable, safer, and more prompt manner instead of improvising due to frequent occurrence of calamities. Human ingenuity can be counted as driving force towards sustainable operations to prevent emergency maintenance due to calamities and exterior forces and elements of nature.
Geographical Information Systems and More
ProjectXplor is more than a GIS, or Geographical Information System. It has been developed by the SeeITAll team with plugins and add-ons to create a complete solution, with the ability to be integrated with current administrative systems and additional solutions such as AssetXplor. AssetXplor is a plugin that can map out an asset, such as a building, down to its last screw. In this plugin, all relevant data and documentation of an asset or object are linked with the images. A user can automatically access a technical help desk with a push of a button. The help desk scan through images and add information to AssetXplor, without going to the field or physically move around.
Combining The Power Of ProjectXplor and AssetXplor
By combining the two solutions into one, knowledge and expertise can now be easily shared within the organization. Visuals, data collection, and expertise/knowledge on particular sections, assets, and objects can be updated through the help desk function. Human ingenuity and innovation are continuously fed into the system, improving processes within the operations resulting to increased in reliability, availability/access, safety, and more sustainable assets. ProjectXplor covers exploration of projects while AssetXplor entails exploring objects. Both use smart solutions to tie as many images taken during maintenance and measurements. AssetXplor has been due to high demand of clients and users of GIS, as well as ProjectXplor clients that want more, to visualize buildings, spaces, and objects within projects.