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See IT all provides a Geographical add on for SAP

Administrative systems such as SAP, IBM’s Maximo, ERP, CRM, Supply Chain Management, REST, and others are the information or data foundation of companies; the backbones of data storage and retrieval. SeeITAll realized the importance of linking information software with GIS with these data at multiple levels and with different software. So, we’ve designed a connecting solution that links everything together with geographical visuals through ConnectXplor.


This two-way connecting platform automatically links administrative programs with geographical information system to put visuals with data in a tier or level; each level represents location, assets, and objects concerning projects. ConnectXplor is a platform with a two-way system of linking data with systems in a two-way stream. It automatically links GIS with data, that means you save time on manually creating or processing downloads.


Why visualize Maximo or SAP data on a GIS? The objective is to create an intelligent and visual shell for data organization. Data and information becomes easily accessible and ensures that all participants in the project speak “the same language,” or are seeing the same data and images to avoid confusion that can cause delay in projects. It aims to streamline data access and software with all parties considered in all levels of the project. Putting visual orientation to data through GIS; ProjectXplor.


Make Inspection And Maintenance More Efficient With Geographical Information

SeeITAll products ProjectXplor and ConnectXplor make inspection and maintenance more efficient when images and visual location are linked with work orders, status of assets, and maintenance history. The value of information and data in administrative systems increase as they become visually understandable. Users of these programs take more efficient steps. Layering different data results to more expedient, and immediate insight on actionable plans that can be taken during inspection and maintenance. ProjectXplor enables an organization to discover, demonstrate, and implement efficiencies within operations of projects, inspections, and maintenance that were never thought possible before. By using geographical information, one can easily access and view current status and condition of assets and objects. This is possible through the integration and sharing of different methodologies.


Asset Management Using Geographical Information

ProjectXplor, SeeITAll’s GIS, enables you to easily see the current status and condition of your assets. All SeeITAll products were created for you to have control with consistent registration and management of assets. ProjectXplor visualize, edit, analyze, and manage geographical information of assets; ensuring location, imagery, and data work together with maintenance processes internally and externally. It also makes sure objects and location are connected with other elements in the maintenance process.


The visual orientation of ProjectXplor allows users to create links between object, condition, status, maintenance needs, and actions. It is also possible to automate the downloading and linking of image to data from other systems such as Maximo and SAP; allowing data simulation for review, creating action plans, and decision making.


Targeted maintenance is another advantage of visualization of asset information. The visual mapping of assets makes it possible to coordinate work with all participating parties. This makes it possible to send technician/s to an asset already in the vicinity, providing him/her necessary information expediently through ProjectXplor. Maintenance work can be efficiently planned, executed, documented, and analyzed.


An efficient maintenance process gives organizations the leverage to maximize asset availability as well as measure and ultimately guarantee asset reliability. ProjectXplor also solves the problem of limited to no GPS data or RD. SAP or Maximo data has limitations in terms of geographical data. ProjectXplor integrates administrative data to geographical location and data; it automatically corrects location data. It has the ability to transform any location data to correct values.


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